What will you ask me to do?
Fill out the enrollment form for your initial screening
Fill out the enrollment form with your personal information. A trial coordinator will reach out via phone within 48 hours (not including weekends) to discuss more.
Speak to a trial team member via videoconference
A trial team member will discuss via videoconference what will happen during the trial, possible risks and benefits, how personal information will be protected, and what to do if there is a problem or question.
Receive the device and start using it
Participants will sit in front of the light for one hour each evening and engage in other activities (reading, eating or watching TV) while the light gently bathes their face.
Duration and Online Doctor Visits.
The study period will be six months. You will use the light every evening. You will participate in an initial "baseline" video-based doctor visit, a video-based doctor visit at 3 months, and a video-based doctor visit at 6 months.
The Celeste Light for PD Trial consists of four video conference visits during six months with only 300 participants. Act now to see if you qualify.